What is audio animation? Quite simply it is an eight colour animation studio with the abilerty to asine a sample to each frame.
What else makes it so special? Well it has a full ouion skin effect on all eight colours,a pause frame facility and a comprehensive cut and copy frame system.
Are the control panels frendly? Yes,if you have used a DPAINT style art package then you should be instantly at home with then basic drawing and editting tools,as i have tried to keep then icons a standed style.
Can i play my animations with out first having to load AUDIO ANIMATION?
Yes there is a PLAYME programme which is PUDLIC DOMAIN,so you can make your own demo's and give copys to your friends.
The screen display.
When the programme has first loaded you will see the credits,after you have pressed a key then main contral panel will slide in to palce,and the drawing screen will slide in as well (You will not see this because it has then same background colour as then
All drawing and editing funtions are activated from then main panel,and then are brough in to operation by klicking the left or right button on the drawing screen.
There are five control panels,there's then main panel and four sub panels.I will try to Explane then main one first an the go on to the sub ones later.
-------------------------------THE MAIN PANEL----------------------------
The panel is divided in to five sections,one for the tools,one for the frame delete and play,one for then colour selection,one for the frame info and one for the load/save animation.
section one top row:-
This funtion does what it says it draws a continues line when you press then left mouse button on the drawing screen.If you press the right
button then you will be using the rubber,which is again draw in a continues line.This funtion has one draw back,when you use a brush that is bigger than one picel (a screen unit) and you move the mouse fast then it tends to lag be hide the mouse pointer.
(2).draw dotted line.
This funtion draws a line like the first but it draws only where the mouse is so the line is not continues but is works faster.if you press the right button you will be again using the rubber but not in a contiues line format.This funtion does not have
(3).Draw a line between to points.
This funtion requires you to state too points with the mouse.To do this
you first place the mouse pointer where the line is to start and press the
left button and hold it,you then move the mouse to the next point and let go of the left button,and there you have it a line.
(4).The palette.
The palette is quite simple to use.First you press the icon with then left button and up pops the palette screen,on it you will see the colour box,three sliders and a OK button.You pick which colour to alter by pressing on the reqired colour in the co
OK button.
(5).Cut a brush.
This one is good,you can make you own brushes with it.After selecting this funtion you will see that the info box changes and that the system is informing you which brush number you are grabbing.There are infact five possible custem brushes you can ma
To use this one you inmage that the area that you are going to grab is in a box,you then place the mouse one the top left corner of this box and with the mouse button being held down you drag the mouse to the bottom right corner and then let go of the
(6).Copy an area of the screen to a brush.
Just like the above but it copy's and not cuts.
(7).Change the size of the pixel brush.(or bilt in brush)
This funtion only works on the bilt in brush.when you press on it with the left button the the brush will increse in size by 2.and if you press whith the right button then it will decrese in size by 2.
This zooms in to an area of screen you have selected with the mouse.To operate this funtion you press its icon,when you move in to the drawing screen you will see a box apeir where the mouse is.When you press the left button you see the area of screen
(9).Sound FX.
See the section on Sound FX
---Bottom Row---
(10).Draw a circle.
With this one you can make perfit circles,filled or not filled.When you look at its icon you will see that it is a small circle with a line though
it,the bottom of it being filled.As you can expect if you press the icon on the part that is empty then when you make a circle it will be hollow,and so if you press the icon at its bottom then the circle will be filled with the pressent fill pattern.To op
(11).Draw a box.
This is just like the circle command but with a box.
(12).Draw an elepse.
This is like the circle one but when you are sizing the circle you can squwash it or strech it by going up or down to the center of the circle.
(13).Select a fill pattern.
The "select a fill pattern" is one of the sub control screens.After pressing on its icon the screen will change and up pops the "Select a fill pattern" screen.You will see a big box in this box will apear a rempersentation of the selected fill pattern.
(14).Fill an area of screen.
Once you have pressed this icon you just move the mouse poniter to the point of the drawing screen you wont to fill and press the left button.
This ones one of the most useful funtions.It dose what it says it undos
any mistakes you may make,Dpaint style.
(16).Clear the screen.
Well What can i say it Clears the screen.
This one saves you a lot of work and alows you to have steady back grounds.What will happen when you press this button is that you will be asked for a source frame number,this is the frame that will give its image to the frames that will be made.Then
(18).Flip a brush.
Pressing this icon flips the selected custom brush.evey time you press this icon it flips the bruss a diffrent way,only palying with this one can you see what it does.
This box gives info about the system and about you animation.
The top line tells you what frame you are at and how many frames are used,if the present frame is paused then the line will be swaped and will informs you by how much the frame is paused.
The bottom line informs you how much fast memory is free and how much chip memory is free(See memory management section for more info).If there is a sample linked with this frame then this line will be swap to tell you which sample is asigned to this f
----Colour select box----
There are nine boxs here,the first telling you wich colour is selected and the rest have the avlible colours.To select a colour just press on the colour you wish to use.
-----Frame advance and play box-----
Here there is six bottons,the first moves you back a frame till you reach the first frame every time you press on it with you left button.If you press on it with your right button then it will take you strate to the first frame.The next icon plays your
if so then as in word procesore the frames are cut out,if you don't wont the cut out then the frames will be blanked out.Last But not lest is the ping pong icon,this first plays your animation forwards and then backwords.
Pressing this icon brings in one of the sub screens.What you will see is a file solector,OK box,PARENT box,LOAD box,Two ARROWS and a SAVE box.First i should give a ruff idear of how the animation file is save on disk.What the programe does is to make
On entring this screen you will be asked to select with your mouse a device(Only the devies that are present).The programme can detect the presents of DF0,DF1,DF2 and HARD DRIVES(DF is your diskdrive).when you see the device you wish to use you just
The PARENT icon.All this does is to back track any jurney you have taken in to the disk by one step.
The OK icon.This takes you back to the main screen.
Try to keep one disk for your animations Because the animation file can reach up to 500K size(thats with animations of about 60 frames and loads of samples).
After Pressing the SOUNDFX icon you will see a sub screen.Here you will see icons for loading samples,loading sample banks,Deleting samples,testing samples and returning to the main menu.
To load a sample you first press on the load sample icon then you are asked wich sample number this will be,the alowed amont of samples is six.after you have done this you will be presented with a file solector.The file solector is simple to use,its a
wish to enter a directory(a directory can be reconized by a ~*~ at the begining of its name e.g. *LIBS).To do this you just click on it,then you will get a list of all that is in it.To load a sample just click on the name of that sample twice.
What is a sample bank i here you call.Well a sample bank is a group of samples in one file.To make a sample bank you will nead amos and the amos sample bank maker(The sample bank maker comes with amos).If you have both of these then you should know h
To test a sample you first press the test sample icon,you are then asked which sample you want.If the sample is in a bank then you should precced the number of sample with a letter ~B~.after you have entered that you are asked what the play back spee
Delete sample does what it says,it deletes samples.when you press the del icon your asked what sample to delete.If it is a bank then you type a ~B~(when you use the B you will loose the whole bank).
-------Linking samples to a frame-------
This is the good bit.Once you have loaded you samples in to memory and worked out what speed to play them at then its time to link them to a frame.To do this is simple,just page up the frame you want the sample on and press the letter ~s~ key.when you